Our Puppies - What is a Goldador?

Our Goldadors are a cross between two outstanding breeds of dogs, English Cream Golden Retrievers and Labrador Retrievers, they enjoy working closely and willingly with people. Their origin arose from a desire to create a working dog with the sensitivity of a Golden Retriever and the high physical tolerance of a Labrador Retriever “The Best of Both Worlds”.
This cross produces beautiful dogs with an easygoing and eager-to-please nature, keen intelligence and easy trainability. Our families have enjoyed hiking, kayaking, camping and playing in the snow with our dogs. They are highly sought after for guide, service, therapy and search & rescue dogs. They are also superb hunting companions, and love retrieving and swimming.
Similar to their parents, Goldadors are happiest just being alongside the people they love. They are an excellent choice for first-time dog owners and families with children. They enjoy being part of a family and thrive when incorporated into a family routine – returning great love and devotion.
Average Height: 20 – 23 in.
Average Weight: 50 – 70 lb.
Country of Origin: The Labrador was originally from the St. John’s Bay area in Canada, and the breed was further developed in Great Britain. The Golden Retriever was developed in Great Britain as well.
Can I compete with my Goldador? Yes! You can still participate in agility and obedience with your Goldador puppy!
Some ideas: The American Kennel Club encourages owners of mixed breeds to certify their dogs as good neighbors through its Canine Good Citizen Test. Mixed breed dogs make good therapy dogs; the service dog organizations that train hearing ear dogs frequently use mixed breeds; and the Goldador makes an excellent candidate for tracking and search and rescue.
Agility is offered through NADAC and USDAA.
This is just the tip of the iceberg… there is no limit to what you can do with your Goldador if you decide you’d like to give him a job!